Employment Readiness Program
The Employment Readiness Program is a life-changing program at Mission Possible that is open to people looking to get back into the workforce. We support individuals experiencing barriers to employment to navigate their journey of returning to the workforce.

Are you ready to start working?
We offer pre-employment training, one-on-one coaching and support to help you achieve your work-related goals. You can get involved with our Employment Readiness Program (ERP) by following these steps:
Call our office at 604-253-4469, come by our office in person at 648 E. Hastings St, or email us at erp@mission-possible.ca to find out if the program is currently open for registration. Please be aware that we are experiencing a high level of demand for the program at this time.
Our Employment Readiness Workshop Series (three consecutive mornings) is a launching point into the program where you will learn to enhance valuable skills that will be applicable to any job!
When you have finished the workshop, you will have a referral meeting with one of our staff members before starting the program.
After the referral meeting, you will attend a workplace orientation. This orientation will be your first workday, so it’s paid! This is the starting point of your six-month paid work experience with MP. You will be scheduled for a minimum of two shifts a week for six months.
While working with us, you will receive one-on-one paid coaching on a bi-weekly basis with your coach to work on your goals and steps to employment after the six-month contract like support with interview preparation, along with resume and cover letter building. You will also attend paid training sessions to improve your skills in the workplace and in the job search process.
We have two teams in the ERP:
Co-ed Team
This team is available for everyone. Facilitators, participants, and supervisors of all genders participate in this team.
Women's Team
The Women’s Team is open for women and non-binary people. All work shifts and coaching sessions in this team are facilitated by female staff and supervisors.
What is the Women’s Team Employment Readiness Program?
Women’s Team creates a safe space for women and non-binary people to engage in our Employment Readiness Program. This program was developed to eliminate barriers, and empower women and non-binary folks in usually male-dominated spaces.
How is it different from the Co-ed Team?
The Women’s Team program aims to foster a stronger sense of community and safety for women and non-binary participants. All work shifts and coaching sessions in this team are facilitated by women staff and supervisors. The participants will also have an opportunity to engage in unique programming designed to increase confidence and empower associates to thrive and lead in the workplace.
Can I still join the Co-ed Team?
Yes, the Co-ed Team is open for all genders. Associates are only put into the Women’s Team if they identify that in their intake form.
If associates decide to switch from one team to another to better suit their needs, the changes can be made once they check in with the Momentum Coordinator.How can I get started?
Call us at 604-253-4469, email erp@mission-possible.ca, or come by in person to learn about the registration process.
The Work
When you’re part of our Employment Readiness Program, you have the opportunity to gain work experience for six months with Mission Possible’s Clean Team. Our Clean Team works morning and afternoon shifts six days a week. The teams go out to various neighbourhoods in Vancouver for exterior cleaning, mostly litter and needle pick-up.
What you’ll learn and gain:
Team & independent work skills
Social skills & time management skills
Attention to detail
Ability to prioritize
Organizational skills
Increased confidence
Ability to explore different areas in Vancouver
Make it happen!
Do you want to work but are unsure how to start or what steps to take?
Call us at 604-253-4469, email erp@mission-possible.ca, or come by in person to learn about the registration process.
Please be aware that we are experiencing a high level of demand for the program at this time.