2 min read

Dave's Story: A Future of Hope & Possibility

Dave's Story: A Future of Hope & Possibility

My future of hope & possibility. 

There was a time I never smiled. 

I didn’t want people to see my teeth rotting out of my head. I felt ashamed. 

A 24-year-long meth addiction will do that. It will take your teeth. Your health. Your entire life. 

You’ve probably seen folks like me when you walk through the city. People on the edge, looking down, just barely holding it together. 

My life was full of chaos then. After nearly being evicted I hit my rock bottom. I found the will to change, and while waiting for a detox bed, I began pursuing recovery on my own. 

Every time I saw somebody who had recovered, it looked like their life was better than mine. And so I just put it in the back of my mind that life in recovery is obviously better than life in addiction. And I just kept believing that.

And as my sober days added up, it started to prove itself true… As you can see, I look pretty different now. I’m proud of who I am today. 

About a year into my recovery I was feeling ready to work. But I was nervous, because I thought I couldn’t hold down a full time job. I feared that another abusive boss or unhealthy workplace would set me back in what mattered most to me: my sobriety. 

One day, I saw Mission Possible’s Clean Team picking up trash in their bright red shirts. I approached them, and asked how I could apply. I didn’t have a resume or any references. 

“Come on down”, they said. “You'll be fine. We welcome you.”

And they did.

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Two years later, I am now a Coach and the Outreach Assistant Coordinator at Mission Possible. I help run a team of five outreach employees and we go out into the DTES and talk to people about the barriers they are facing and how we can help. 

At Mission Possible we know that access to work and income are essential pieces of building a stable and meaningful foundation for life — it's what makes so many other things possible. 

The generous partnership of donors, volunteers and sponsors has unlocked employment opportunities for myself and countless others. Because you recognized the power of work to transform a life, my future is full of hope and possibility. 

I am wondering, will you give to help us empower more folks through meaningful employment?

You can click here to join us with a holiday gift. 

Your gift this holiday season will get more people like me on a path to work as soon as they are ready. 

At Mission Possible we provide a unique blend of accountability infused with compassion, understanding, and unshakable belief in every person that walks through our doors. 

I remember that feeling from my early days on the team. I could tell at Mission Possible they wanted me to win.

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