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MP Has Landed!

MP Has Landed!

It’s been a while since we’ve updated you on our move, but we’re finally ready to share some pictures of our new space as we are fully functioning out of it now!

While we are still settling in, there have been some MAJOR transformations since our last blog post... think furniture, decals and more furniture! 

We absolutely could not have done this without the supporters of the MP Moves campaign. Thanks to our donors, we were able to:

  • Rewrite Stories by covering training materials for 61 Mission Possible Employment Readiness Workshops,
  • Light up the Future with 19 light fixtures,
  • Create a Connection with 9 new phones for our workstations,
  • Provide a Seat at the Table for 6 workshop participants,
  • Purchase a Window of Opportunity with 5 windows in our new space,
  • Begin Opening Doors with 4 actual doors, and
  • Give Room for Growth in 1 of our coaching rooms.

We also have to extend a HUGE thank you to our MP Moves Project Partner, Community Impact Real Estate, and our On-Boarding Partner, The Stollery Charitable Foundation for their foundational support of this project. In total, we have raised $68,000 to make our new space functional and thus give us more capacity to help more people.

Once again, we are so grateful to everyone who has helped make this space what it is!

Community Impact Real Estate $25,000

The Stollery Charitable Foundation $10,000

$2,500 - $5,000
ALF Software Inc.
Vancouver First Church of the Nazarene
Harbour City Kitchens
Allen / McMillan Litigation Counsel
Waldman Diamond Canada Ltd.

$1,000 - $2,499
Anu Kainth
Cowichan Church of The Nazarene
David L Wood
Nigel Bridgman
Adele Lui
David Greaves

$500 - $999
Gerald Teichrob
Joanne Loberg
Rick Eastman PREC
DP World

$250 - $499
David Murdoch
Jamie Richards
Courtney Pratt
Stephanie McCallum
Geoff DeJager
Ivan Ngan

$100 - $249
Mary Lois Wong-Moon
Georgeann Glover
Lee Riggs
Joanne Sutton
Kate Coffey
Jeffrey Wint
Lindsay Vander Hoek
Pat Love
Global Unicycle Creative Inc
Kent Employment Law
Jean Wallace
John & Florence Kalsbeek
Sangita Alviar
Kenneth & Pamela Robin
Wen Ling Miao
John & Cathy McKnight

Under $100
Hunter Litigation Chambers
Margot Beauchamp
Rob Fisher
Christa Smith
Megan Pollock
Dawn Repin
Winston Yee

If you would like a virtual or in-person tour, please get in touch with Jasmine Allen, our Director of Partnerships, at jasmine@mission-possible.ca.

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